Home > Second courses > Pork liver with Tropea onion and Traditional Balsamic Vinegar

Pork liver with Tropea onion and Traditional Balsamic Vinegar

  • difficoltà ricetta
  • difficoltà ricetta
  • difficoltà ricetta
icona tempo ricetta 30 min
icona numero persone ricetta Serves 4

By chef Rina Mattioli
“La Nunziadêina a Santa Maria fuori le Mura”, Nonantola (Italy)
From the book “Il Balsamico, Oro Nero di Modena – The Black Gold of Modena”, published by Artioli 1899A


600 g fresh pork liver
Pork caul fat
Bay leaves

Drops of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena P.D.O.



Prepare the Tropea onions

Take the fresh pork liver and cut into little bites of the same size to ensure they cook evenly.

Season with salt and pepper on both sides.

Soften the pork caul fat in water. Wrap each piece of liver in the fat, making sure to completely cover the liver without leaving any parts uncovered.


Prepare the Tropea onions

Slice the Tropea onions and soften over a low heat in a pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

Cook until the onions are soft and caramelised.


Cook the liver

Heat up a grill over a live flame until medium hot. Place the bay leaves on the grill. These will form the base of the liver parcels.

Lay the pieces of liver wrapped in pork caul fat on the bay leaves. Cook for about 5 minutes, turning to make sure they brown evenly on all sides.



When the liver is nice and brown, remove from the grill and arrange on a serving plate. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Serve the liver with the stewed Tropea onions.

Garnish with a few drops of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena P.D.O. Extravecchio to finish.

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