Home > Second courses > Octopus with potatoes and Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena P.D.O.

Octopus with potatoes and Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena P.D.O.

  • difficoltà ricetta
  • difficoltà ricetta
  • difficoltà ricetta
icona tempo ricetta 1 hour
icona numero persone ricetta Serves 4

By chef Alice Colombari of Modena

From the book “Il Balsamico, Oro Nero di Modena – The Black Gold of Modena”, published by Artioli 1899A


800 g octopus
500 g potatoes
1 organic lemon
Parsley to taste
Drops of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena P.D.O.



Prepare the octopus

Fill a large saucepan with lots of water and bring to the boil. Add an organic lemon cut in half. When the water comes to the boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the octopus for about 40 minutes.

When cooked, remove the octopus from the cooking water and cool down in lots of cold water. This will help stop the cooking process and maintain the desired consistency.


Prepare the potatoes

Peel the potatoes and cut into a dice of about 1 centimetre. Wash in lots of cold water to remove the excess starch.

Fry a clove of unpeeled garlic in a pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Add the well-drained potatoes and cook until “al dente”. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Once cooked, leave the potatoes to cool.


Assemble the dish

Cut the octopus

Cut the octopus into pieces the same size as the cubes of potato.

Combine the octopus and potatoes in a large bowl. Add a generous helping of fresh chopped parsley, salt, pepper and a good drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Garnish with Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena P.D.O. to taste.



As an alternative, you can mash the hot potatoes with a masher to give them a smashed texture without making them gluey. Cream the mashed potatoes with extra virgin olive oil and a generous helping of fresh chopped parsley.

Keep the tentacle of the octopus intact and present it on top of the mashed potatoes.

Garnish everything with Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena P.D.O. to taste.

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